Search Results for 'Marvel Comics characters'

39 results found.

Research reveals that nearly one in five ignore potentially life-threatening cardiac symptoms

New research released by Blackrock Health as part of its new Show Your Heart Some Love campaign has revealed that an alarming 18% of people who experience symptoms that could signal a potential heart issue do not take any action to address or investigate the cause of the symptoms.

Number of homeless families in West continues upward spiral

Homelessness and housing charity Galway Simon Community has warned that it is highly concerned that the number of families and children homeless across the West of Ireland is continuing to spiral upwards. The charity attributes the continuing rise to multiple factors which are culminating into what can best be described as ‘a terrible perfect storm.’

Quarter century of the Galway Science & Technology Festival

Galway Science & Technology Festival will run from November 13-25 celebrating 25 years of inspiring young people and the public about the world around us. The Festival commenced in 1998 and over the years has grown to become the largest event in Ireland for the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

‘You have given me the fondest memories,’ Bishop Kelly tells congregation

In his final address as Bishop of Galway, Bishop Brendan Kelly paid tribute to all who had aided him throughout his time in the office, saying they have left him with the fondest memories.

Take the high road on the Cannonball Grand Highlands Road Trip

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More people than ever hit the road in 2021, resulting in 62.9 million posts about it on Instagram, and road-tripping is predicted to be one of the most popular travel trends again in 2022. Cannonball Ireland is now gearing up for the first of five Irish and International road trips in 2022. Overseas Cannonball trips appeal to a much wider group than just car enthusiasts. They are intimate and convivial with just 60 people in 30 cars, and are designed with adventure, luxury, breathtaking scenery, unforgettable experiences and spontaneity in mind.

Cat Power - Covers (Domino)

In most cases, a covers album is a stop-gap in an artist’s career, a point where they take stock before plotting their next move. Other times it is simply an easy way to meet a contractual obligation.

Disability services waiting lists for children ‘spiral’ in the west

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“Spiraling” waiting lists for disability services in the west of Ireland have resulted in more than 13,000 children waiting up to a year before they can see a specialist.

More Galwegians homeless as rents continue to spiral

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Increasing numbers of Galwegians are seeking help from homelessness and housing charity Galway Simon Community due to spiralling rents in the city.

Ensure you take Triton five minute challenge for a cleaner conscience

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Did you know an average nine minute shower uses about 100 litres of water, and to offset the carbon footprint created by a year of showering alone, around 40 trees must be planted?

Home thoughts from abroad

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STRANGE LANDS, an exhibition of photographs by the Swedish artist Ingela Stenberg, is currently running at the Renzo Café, Eyre Street.


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